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What causes period cramps? Symptoms, causes & treatments

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Written by Freya Eriksson

Freya Eriksson

With more than three years of experience in the field, Freya Eriksson specializes in writing about the latest research into fertility and reproductive health. She is passionate about shining a light on under-researched topics such as contraception and planning pregnancy. Freya holds a Master's degree in Linguistics and lives in Stockholm, Sweden.

Fact checked by Dr. Erica Brondolin PhD, Data Scientist at Natural Cycles

Dr. Erica Brondolin PhD

Dr. Erica Brondolin is an Italian physicist with a PhD in particle physics from the Technical University of Vienna. After a decade working at The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), she's now a Data Scientist at Natural Cycles. Passionate about women's health, she has always been involved in initiatives dedicated to women's empowerment. She loves science, exploring new places, and biking around Geneva.

Key takeaways

  • Period cramps are caused by higher levels of a hormone-like substance called prostaglandins that make the uterus contract during our period.
  • For many of us, period cramps are a side effect of our menstrual cycle, but for some individuals, the pain may be caused by an underlying condition.
  • Treatment options depend on the cause of period cramps and include anti-inflammatory pain medication (like ibuprofen), hormonal birth control, heat therapy, and exercise.

Period cramps happen when the uterus contracts as it sheds its lining. While periods may be a natural part of the menstrual cycle, we all have different experiences of period cramps. Many of us expect and plan for them, like the bleeding itself, but we rarely stop and think about why we even have pain during our periods in the first place. In this article, we dig into the details of what causes period cramps, tips to manage the pain, when to see a doctor, and common symptoms.

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